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How Cheering For Others Helped Reinvent My Career

Cheerleading for me did not stop after high school. Over the years, I have daily been given the opportunity to invest positive energy into those around me. Thankfully, over this past year I have been able to shift this blog into a tangible business that helps others to achieve both mental and fitness health.

What is lacking so often in this life is the right circle of people to cheer us on and keep us going when we really feel that we have nothing left in the tank. I know too well what this feels like. Sometimes I can rely on my family and friends to help me navigate through the murky feelings, and other times, it is I that has to champion for myself.

Watch or listen to my 10 min video to learn how I looked back to one of the happiest periods in my life for help to shift back into the fun person I once was, and how you too, can look back for answers to your future.


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